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  1. zhuī (追): 追逐,追求。《说文解字》:“追,逐也。”;To chase, to pursue. English meaning: chase, pursue, seek.
  2. zhuī (椎): 脊椎,椎骨。《说文解字》:“椎, Acts as a weapon; To strike with a pestle; Spinal column. English meaning: vertebra, pestle, to hammer.
  3. zhuī (锥): 圆锥,锥子。《说文解字》:“锥,锐也。”;Cone, awl. English meaning: cone, awl, drill.
  4. zhuì (坠): 坠落,下坠。《说文解字》:“坠,堕也。”;To fall, to drop. English meaning: fall, drop, descend.
  5. zhuì (赘): 累赘,多余。《说文解字》:“赘,Prisoner paid to be redeemed.” Later meanings included additional and cumbersome;Cumbersome, superfluous, redundant. English meaning: cumbersome, superfluous, redundant, to be a burden.


  1. qiē (切): 切割,切菜。《说文解字》:“切,刌也。”;To cut, to slice. English meaning: cut, slice, chop.
  2. qiē (帖): 切帖,一种古代书信形式 (Variant reading of 帖 for certain compounds); To fit, appropriate (variant reading). English meaning: (variant of 帖) fit, appropriate.
  3. qié (茄): 茄子。《说文解字》:“茄,芙蕖也。” 本指荷茎,后借指茄子;Eggplant, aubergine. English meaning: eggplant, aubergine.
  4. qiě (且): 并且,而且。《说文解字》:“且,荐也。” 原义为祭祀所用之俎豆,后引申为而且、将要等;And, moreover, furthermore, for the time being. English meaning: and, moreover, furthermore, for the time being, temporarily.
  5. qiè (窃): 盗窃,窃取。《说文解字》:“窃,盗自中出也。”;To steal, secretly, stealthily. English meaning: steal, pilfer, secretly, stealthily.
  6. qiè (怯): 胆怯,怯懦。《说文解字》:“怯,少胆也。”;Timid, cowardly, fearful. English meaning: timid, cowardly, fearful, scared.
  7. qiè (惬): 惬意,满意。《说文解字》:“惬,快也。”;Satisfied, pleased, contented. English meaning: satisfied, pleased, contented, comfortable.
  8. qiè (箧): 箧笥,小箱子。《说文解字》:“箧,笥也。”;Small box, chest, trunk. English meaning: small box, chest, trunk, case.
  9. qiè (挈): 提挈,带领。《说文解字》:“挈,县持也。”;To lift, to raise, to lead (by hand). English meaning: lift, raise, lead by hand.
  10. qiè (锲): 锲而不舍,雕刻。《说文解字》:“锲,治金也。” 本义指金属雕刻,后引申为刻苦、坚定;To carve, to engrave, to cut into. English meaning: carve, engrave, cut into, persistent.





组合集合总数量:3 * 5 = 15

  1. 追切
    • 词汇组合的含义:追赶切割 (Chase and cut)
    • 词汇组合的字面含义:追逐并切割 (To chase and cut)
    • 词汇组合的臆想含义:迅速行动以完成切割任务,或形容对某事物的快速分割和处理 (Acting swiftly to complete a cutting task, or describing rapid division and processing of something)
    • 词汇的出处:无 (No specific source)
    • 词汇组合或臆想含义的的英语含义:Chase and cut; Swiftly cut; Rapid segmentation.
  2. 追且
    • 词汇组合的含义:追逐并且 (Chase and also)
    • 词汇组合的字面含义:追赶而且 (To chase and moreover)
    • 词汇组合的臆想含义:在追逐目标的同时,还要兼顾其他事物,形容目标复杂或任务多重 (While chasing a target, also needing to take care of other things, describing a complex target or multiple tasks)
    • 词汇的出处:无 (No specific source)
    • 词汇组合或臆想含义的的英语含义:Chase and also; Chase while doing other things; Pursue and furthermore.
  3. 追窃
    • 词汇组合的含义:追查盗窃 (Investigate theft)
    • 词汇组合的字面含义:追赶盗窃 (To chase theft)
    • 词汇组合的臆想含义:追捕盗窃者,或者深入调查盗窃事件的真相 (To pursue and capture thieves, or to deeply investigate the truth of a theft incident)
    • 词汇的出处:无 (No specific source)
    • 词汇组合或臆想含义的的英语含义:Investigate theft; Chase after theft; Pursue the stolen.
  4. 追怯
    • 词汇组合的含义:追问胆怯 (Question timidly)
    • 词汇组合的字面含义:追赶胆怯 (To chase timidity)
    • 词汇组合的臆想含义:虽然想追问到底,但内心又感到胆怯,形容一种矛盾的心情 (Wanting to pursue and ask thoroughly, but feeling timid inside, describing a contradictory mood)
    • 词汇的出处:无 (No specific source)
    • 词汇组合或臆想含义的的英语含义:Question timidly; Pursue with fear; Inquire hesitantly.
  5. 追惬
    • 词汇组合的含义:追求惬意 (Pursue satisfaction)
    • 词汇组合的字面含义:追赶惬意 (To chase satisfaction)
    • 词汇组合的臆想含义:不断追求舒适和满意,体现对美好生活的向往 (Continuously pursuing comfort and satisfaction, reflecting a yearning for a good life)
    • 词汇的出处:无 (No specific source)
    • 词汇组合或臆想含义的的英语含义:Pursue satisfaction; Chase contentment; Seek comfort.
  6. 坠切
    • 词汇组合的含义:坠落切割 (Fall and cut)
    • 词汇组合的字面含义:掉落并切割 (To fall and cut)
    • 词汇组合的臆想含义:物体掉落时发生切割,或形容迅速衰落和瓦解的过程 (An object falling while being cut, or describing a process of rapid decline and disintegration)
    • 词汇的出处:无 (No specific source)
    • 词汇组合或臆想含义的的英语含义:Fall and cut; Drop and slice; Decaying disintegration.
  7. 坠且
    • 词汇组合的含义:坠落而且 (Fall and also)
    • 词汇组合的字面含义:掉落而且 (To fall and moreover)
    • 词汇组合的臆想含义:在坠落的过程中,还伴随着其他情况发生,形容情况变得更复杂或糟糕 (In the process of falling, accompanied by other situations occurring, describing a situation becoming more complicated or worse)
    • 词汇的出处:无 (No specific source)
    • 词汇组合或臆想含义的的英语含义:Fall and also; Fall with complications; Descent with additional issues.
  8. 坠窃
    • 词汇组合的含义:坠落被窃 (Fall and be stolen)
    • 词汇组合的字面含义:掉落被盗窃 (To fall and be stolen)
    • 词汇组合的臆想含义:物品掉落后又被盗窃,形容损失加重或祸不单行 (An item falling and then being stolen, describing increased losses or misfortunes coming one after another)
    • 词汇的出处:无 (No specific source)
    • 词汇组合或臆想含义的的英语含义:Fall and be stolen; Drop and pilfered; Misfortune upon misfortune.
  9. 坠怯
    • 词汇组合的含义:坠落胆怯 (Fall and become timid)
    • 词汇组合的字面含义:掉落后胆怯 (Timid after falling)
    • 词汇组合的臆想含义:经历挫折或失败后变得胆怯,失去勇气和信心 (Becoming timid after experiencing setbacks or failures, losing courage and confidence)
    • 词汇的出处:无 (No specific source)
    • 词汇组合或臆想含义的的英语含义:Fall and become timid; Cowardly after falling; Discouraged after setback.
  10. 坠惬
    • 词汇组合的含义:坠落舒适 (Fall into comfort)
    • 词汇组合的字面含义:掉落后舒适 (Comfortable after falling)
    • 词汇组合的臆想含义:从高处坠落后反而感到舒适或解脱,一种反常的轻松感 (Feeling comfortable or relieved after falling from a height, an unusual sense of ease)
    • 词汇的出处:无 (No specific source)
    • 词汇组合或臆想含义的的英语含义:Fall into comfort; Comfortable after falling; Unexpected ease after descent.
  11. 赘切
    • 词汇组合的含义:累赘切割 (Cumbersome cutting)
    • 词汇组合的字面含义:多余的切割 (Superfluous cutting)
    • 词汇组合的臆想含义:不必要的切割或处理,或者形容处理累赘事物时的切割工作 (Unnecessary cutting or processing, or describing the cutting work when dealing with cumbersome things)
    • 词汇的出处:无 (No specific source)
    • 词汇组合或臆想含义的的英语含义:Cumbersome cutting; Superfluous slice; Redundant segmentation.
  12. 赘且
    • 词汇组合的含义:累赘并且 (Cumbersome and also)
    • 词汇组合的字面含义:多余而且 (Superfluous and moreover)
    • 词汇组合的臆想含义:事物不仅累赘,还带有其他负面属性,形容情况更加不利 (Things are not only cumbersome, but also have other negative attributes, describing a situation becoming more unfavorable)
    • 词汇的出处:无 (No specific source)
    • 词汇组合或臆想含义的的英语含义:Cumbersome and also; Superfluous and furthermore; Burdensome and additional negativity.
  13. 赘窃
    • 词汇组合的含义:累赘盗窃 (Cumbersome theft)
    • 词汇组合的字面含义:多余的盗窃 (Redundant theft)
    • 词汇组合的臆想含义:盗窃行为显得多余或不必要,或者指偷盗的是一些不重要的累赘之物 (The act of theft seems superfluous or unnecessary, or referring to the theft of some unimportant cumbersome items)
    • 词汇的出处:无 (No specific source)
    • 词汇组合或臆想含义的的英语含义:Cumbersome theft; Redundant pilfering; Stealing burdensomely.
  14. 赘怯
    • 词汇组合的含义:累赘胆怯 (Cumbersome timidity)
    • 词汇组合的字面含义:多余的胆怯 (Superfluous timidity)
    • 词汇组合的臆想含义:胆怯显得多余或不必要,或者因为顾虑太多反而显得累赘和胆小 (Timidity seems superfluous or unnecessary, or being too concerned and thus appearing cumbersome and timid)
    • 词汇的出处:无 (No specific source)
    • 词汇组合或臆想含义的的英语含义:Cumbersome timidity; Superfluous fearfulness; Timidity being a burden.
  15. 赘惬
    • 词汇组合的含义:累赘惬意 (Cumbersome satisfaction)
    • 词汇组合的字面含义:多余的惬意 (Superfluous satisfaction)
    • 词汇组合的臆想含义:追求惬意反而变得累赘,或者形容一种负担过重的满足感,并不轻松 (Pursuing satisfaction becomes cumbersome, or describing a burdensome sense of satisfaction that is not easy)
    • 词汇的出处:无 (No specific source)
    • 词汇组合或臆想含义的的英语含义:Cumbersome satisfaction; Superfluous contentment; Heavily burdened satisfaction.



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